The method of the metal quality prediction



tubular steel, hardness, ferrite-pearlite structure, fractal analysis, mathematical model


Formulation of the problem. Establishing the relationship between the structure and properties of materials is one of the main tasks of modern materials science. This problem is mainly due to the incompleteness of formal axiomatics in the identification of the structure of materials. In this paper, it is proposed to use fractal analysis to predict the mechanical characteristics of tubular steels to partially compensate for the incompleteness of the formal structure axiomatics. The urgency of the choice of this approach is due to the need for non-destructive testing of these pipe characteristics during their operation. Object of study. Ferrite-pearlite structure of domestic steel tubes. Materials and methods of research. To study the ferrite-pearlite structure of tube steels, we used optical microscopy and a patented technique for determining the fractal dimension of the metal structure. Results and its discussion. The fractal dimension of ferrite and perlite of low- and medium-carbon steels for pipe production is determined. Regularities are obtained that describe the relationships between the fractal dimension of the ferrite-pearlite structure of tubular steels of various grades and their hardness. It is established that as the fractal dimension of perlite increases, the hardness of the metal increases. The increase in the fractal dimension of perlite grains on the considered plane of the section (D ® 2) is due to an increase in their equiaxiality. Steels having a grain structure close to equiaxial have better mechanical properties than non-equiaxed structures. A mathematical model is proposed for predicting the hardness of tubular steels with a ferrite-perlite structure, the error of which is up to 6%. Conclusions. Application as a criterion for estimating the structure of a metal of fractal dimension allows us to establish the relationship between structural components and their mechanical properties at minimal cost.

Author Biographies

V. I. Bolshakov, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridnіprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

A. A. Fortigin, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridnіprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Master


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