Application of the concept of multifractal to control the quality of low-alloy steel


  • V. N. Volchuk Department of Materials Science and Materials Processing, State Higher Education Institution“PrydniprovskaState Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-а, Chernyshevskoho St., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine



structure, hardness, fractal dimension, multifractal, forecast, low alloy steel


Abstract. Relevance of the work. The quality control of manufactured metal products is carried out using both direct tests and non-destructive testing methods. It is proposedto use a multifractal approach in the analysis of the structure to predict the quality criteria for low-alloyed steel. Material and methods. Low-alloy steel with a ferritic-pearlitic structure was chosen as a material for research.  Steel  was  subjected  to heat  treatment:  heating  to  920 °C  and  holding  time  for  300  sec.  The  samples  were  cooled  to  a temperature  of  500 °C  with  different  times.  Results  and  discussion. The  following  parameters  were  used:  the  dimension  of  Hausdorff-Bezikovich D0, the homogeneity of fcalculated with the exponent q = –100 and 100, the coefficients of variation of the dimension of the elements of the structure with the most dense packing D-100and the most rarefied D100. The dependences of the multifractal characteristics of perlite and ferrite on the hardness and cooling time of the samples are established. There is a decrease in the hardness values of HV with an increase in the dimensional estimates of the structure of ferrite and pearlite, which is due to the increase in the cooling time of the metal to 500 °C from 29 to 93 000 sec. Conclusions.Based on the multifractal analysis of the ferritic-pearlitic structure of low-alloy steel, its hardness indicators were evaluated as a function of cooling time.

Author Biography

V. N. Volchuk, Department of Materials Science and Materials Processing, State Higher Education Institution“PrydniprovskaState Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-а, Chernyshevskoho St., Dnipro 49600

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.


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