Modeling of the wave-like flow of the surface layers of metal electrodepositable when external force


  • I. M. Kuzyaev Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University, Ukraine
  • O. B. Girin Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University, Ukraine


undulating course, the crystallization front, electrodepositable metal, liquid phase, consistency index


Additional experimental results confirming the established effect of wave-like flow of surface layers of metal being electrodeposited in conditions of external force influence parallel to the crystallization front are presented. Mathematical modeling of the process of wave-like flow of surface layers of metal being electrodeposited at the action of external force parallel to the crystallization front is accomplished. It is found that liquid phase of metal being electrodeposited is a power liquid with certain values of consistence coefficient and exponent of power

Author Biographies

I. M. Kuzyaev, Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University


O. B. Girin, Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University



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