Investigation of the relation between destruction performance and structural components of low-carbon micro-alloyed steel


  • V. I. Bolshakov State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine
  • D. V. Laukhin State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine
  • A. V. Beketov State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine
  • S. V. Ivantsov State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine
  • V. D. Laukhin State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine


structural components, ferrite, pearlite, destruction, plastic deformation, pore, crack


Raising of problem. Analysis of the relation between destruction perfomance and structural components of low-carbon, micro-alloyed steels. Methodology. It was realized the complex factual investigations using scanning electron microscope. It was calculated the deformation state of the ferrite component of low carbon micro-alloyed steels. Results. In the course of the work was carried out a comparative analysis of the ferrite component deformation of the test grades, in accordance with the concept of Tomasson. Scientific novelty consists in relation determining between the plastic deformation, ensuring the growth and spread of ductile fracture structure of hard and low carbon micro-alloyed steels.Practical significance. The study of destruction patterns reveals the process management capabilities of crack growth in building materials, and as a result, increases of the building structures reliability .

Author Biographies

V. I. Bolshakov, State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

D. V. Laukhin, State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

A. V. Beketov, State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.

S. V. Ivantsov, State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.

V. D. Laukhin, State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Laboratory experimental research, Junior researcher



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