Anomalous influence of the martensitic component in the grafitization in cast and austenitic nickel steels that were processed by the cold



nickel steel, gratisan, martensite conversion, gratisan of annealing, austentitic


Problem statement. Conducting graphitization anti-friction nickel steel in different initial conditions, but with the same phase composition at different temperatures graphitic annealing. Method. Experimental samples were prepared by centrifugal casting, which provides a sufficient density of samples of the investigated steels. The number of martensitic component was measured using ferritometer FA−1. The number of inclusions of graphite annealing was determined using stereometrical analysis by counting the number of particles per mm2. Results. It is established that the kinetics of the graphitization process in cast samples and in samples which have been austenitization and cold processing, is significantly different, despite the same phase composition and the same temperature graphitic annealing. The cientific novelty lies in the definition of slowing down the process of graphitization in cast nickel steels containing different amount of nickel at the temperatures of 650 and 850 °C, namely, a slowing down of this process by reducing the content of nickel, despite the education of martеnsit the cast structure of these steels, as well as in determining the influence of the martensitic component on the process kinetics of graphitization in steel nickel, which has been austenitization and cold processing. Practical significance. The results can be considered in the development of the composition and mode of heat treatment of bearing steels for use in heavy-duty friction-slip of metallurgical units.

Author Biography

I. O. Semenova, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Department of Materials Science, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.


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