Transformations in non-metallic inclusions by high-temperature metallography



steel, non-metallic inclusions, laser action


Formulation of the problem. It is interest to research the transformations in non-metallic inclusions under laser treatment of steels. It is necessary to analyse the peculiarities of influence of high-speed heating on the different transformations in different types of inclusions that can to cause the change of properties of inclusions and steels after heat or laser treatment. Also it is necessary to discover the possibilities of controlling heterogenezation of non-metallic inclusions and steel matrix in the time of formation of local gradiental and composite zones of contact interaction in systems inclusion-matrix. The goal of work is to discover the fundamental types of transformations in non-metallic inclusions by laser heating. The materials for investigation were commercial steels containing different non-metallic inclusions. The specimens of different steels with preliminary polished surface were exposed to laser beaming on the installations GOS-30M and GUANTUM-16. Methods of investigation – petrography and optical microscopy (Neophot-21) were used. Findings. It was fixed under laser action melting and speed crystallization of non-metallic inclusions, shear polymorphic transformations,  transition into more or less stable condition, precipitation and dissolution of second phase, change of chemical composition, reduction of metals from oxides, formation of gradiental and composite microzones takes place. The peculiarities of  transformations in non-metallic inclusions being on the polished surface under speed heating in the condition of laser action were investigated. The peculiarities of  transformations in non-metallic inclusions under ordinary and high-speed heatng are discussed. Originality. The peculiarities of transformations in non-metallic inclusions under high-speed heating and cooling taking place under interaction between non-metallic inclusions and steel matrix were determined. Practical value. The using of receiving results will allow to elaborate the methods and regimes of laser treatment allowing to influence on the sizes, chemical composition, structure and distribution of non-metallic inclusions in steels with the aim of raise of mechanical properties.

Author Biography

S. I. Gubenko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Material Science Department, Professor, Dr. Sc. (Tech.)


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