Cold modelling of circulating flows in the converter bath at combined blowing


  • P. O. Yushkevich Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z.I. Nekrasov NASU, Ukraine
  • L. S. Molchanov Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z.I. Nekrasov NASU, Ukraine


cold modelling, converter, combined blowing, top blowing lance, bottom tuyeres, circulation streams, bath mixing


Statement of the problem. The quality of the finished steel products made from converter steel, in terms of reducing pollution with non-metallic inclusions, is largely determined by the oxygen content of a crude steel tapped from the converter in a casting ladle. Significant contamination of steel with non-metallic inclusions during deoxidization, carburization and alloying of the crude steel in the ladle negatively affects the subsequent thermal treatment of metal products. Decreasing of the crude steel oxidation is achieved in practice by improving the mixing of the converter bath by using a combined blowing: top oxygen blowing and a bottom blowing by neutral stirring gas. It is important to know how to place the tuyeres for neutral gas blowing at the bottom of the converter relative to the reaction zone formed in the upper part of the metal bath during impinging of the oxygen jets from above. For this purpose, by using the cold modelling, the organization of directed circulation streams in a converter bath under combined blowing has been studied, which contributes to the intensification of mixing of the bath with the decreasing of the crude steel oxidation. Conclusions. In order to increase the intensity of the circulation flows and to mix the converter bath with the elimination of stagnant zones, it is necessary, with a combined blowing, to blow a neutral blending gas through the tuyeres under the bases of the reaction zones formed by the impinging of the oxygen jets from the multi-nozzle lance into the bath.

Author Biographies

P. O. Yushkevich, Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z.I. Nekrasov NASU

Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Steel Metallurgy, Postgraduate Student, Junior Res.

L. S. Molchanov, Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z.I. Nekrasov NASU

Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Steel Metallurgy, Cand. Sc. (Tech.) (PhD), Senior Res.


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