Experimental verification and simulation of increasing the density of metals in the electrodepositable force action


  • O. B. Girin Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
  • I. M. Kuzyaev Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


X-ray diffraction, mathematical modeling, density of metals, electrodeposited


Experimental verification of the validity of the discovered effect of the increase of density of metals being electrodeposited under the influence of a centrifugal force directed perpendicular to the crystallization front is fulfilled. The decrease of the intensities of X-ray diffraction maximums and lowering of porosity of the metals being electrodeposited at the external force influence prove the validity of the established effect. Mathematical modeling of the process of increase of density of metals being electrodeposited at the external force influence is accomplished. The developed mathematical model satisfactory coincides with the experimental data and can be used for predicting of the process of the increase of density of metals being electrodeposited in conditions of the external force influence.

Author Biographies

O. B. Girin, Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University, Dnepropetrovsk

Professor, Doct. Sc. (Tech.)

I. M. Kuzyaev, Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University, Dnepropetrovsk

Professor, Doctor Sc. (Tech.).


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