Application of various methods of mixing electrolyte for regulating morphology of particles of copper powder



copper powder, electrodeposition, electrolyte mixing, bubbling, ultrasonic action on the solution, powder particles morphology


. Formulation of the problem. Synthesis of a chemically stable electrolytic copper powder with controlled particle size and shape, the desired structural, physical and functional properties. Methodology. The process of copper electrolytic deposition were dispersed using a soluble copper anode and copper cathode. The electrolyte composition: 130 g/l H2SO4+ 40 g/l CuSO4,+0,1 g/l BTA (benzotriazol); form cathode − plate; electrolysis time − 1 hour. The influence of the method and regimes of electrolyte mixing on the copper powder particles morphology was investigated. Mixing of the electrolyte was carried out by bubbling the solution with air, forced flow of the solution through the bath, as well as different frequencies ultrasonic action on the solution. The mean size and morphology of particles were determined by using scanning electron microscopy. Findings. According to the results of the experiments, it was found that the relationship between the average particle size and the mixing intensity of the electrolyte by means of circulation and bubbling is practically linear, directly proportional. An increase in the intensity of mixing in these cases leads to the copper particles coarsening and the compaction of the cathode deposit. The relationship between the intensity of ultrasonic vibrations and the copper particles morphology has a more pronounced extreme character. An adequate change in the current output parameter is observed only when the ultrasonic oscillations intensity increases. It can be assumed, that this method of effect on electrolyte is the most effective for regulating the copper powder particles morphology and the technical and economic parameters of its production. Originality. For the first time, the regularities of the ultrasonic effect influence on the electrolyte on the copper powder particles morphology. Practical value. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the most effective methods and regimes of electrolyte mixing have been determined, which have the greatest effect on the process of dispersed copper electrodeposition and its properties in order to provide the specified controlled characteristics of copper electrolytic powder and expand its application areas.

Author Biographies

A. A. Vnukov, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof

I. G. Roslyk, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof

A. N. Golovachov, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof

A. V. Bila, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof

R. M. Cheran'ov, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Graduate Student


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