The dependence of grain size austenite from the condition of hot deformation carbon steel
steel, structure, grain size, austenite, temperature, deformationAbstract
Purpose. The aim of the paper is to investigate the effect of temperature and the degree of hot reduction on the grain size of austenite carbon steel. Material and methods of research. As a material for research, the carbon steel of the fragment of a railway wheel with a carbon content of 0.61 % was used. The temperature range of hot reduction was 950…1 150 ° C, with deformation degrees of 10…50 %. Investigation of the microstructure of the steel was carried out using a light microscope. Preparation of the object for the studies, identification of the structure of the austenite and evaluation of its grain size were carried out using quantitative metallography techniques. Results. Depending on the received dependencies, it is determined that for exposures of 1,5 minutes after the completion of the hot deformation, the development of processes of dynamic and static recrystallizations leads to a slight increase in the grain of austenite. For most products made by hot plastic deformation of this exposure it is enough to preserve a partially hot austenite slander before accelerating cooling with thermal strengthening. Scientific novelty. On the basis of the analysis of the internal structure of carbon steel, depending on the parameters of hot reduction, the effect of the duration of aging after completion of the deformation on the character of the change in the grain size of the austenite was determined. The decrease in the degree of hot deformation promotes an increase in the effect of the reduction temperature on the dispersion of the austenite structure. Practical value. The definite nature of the influence of the degree, the temperature of the hot reduction and the duration of aging after the completion of the deformation can be used to improve the regimes of high temperature shaping operations of carbon steels.
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