Research of structure and mechanical properties of AlSi 316L alloy obtained by selective laser surfaction of powder components




alloy, mechanical properties, structure, additive technology, powder metallurgy


Purpose. Development of technology for manufacturing parts of responsible designation by the method of additive technology. Methodology. The billets were obtained by the methods of powder printing on the 3D printer SLM−500. Findings.The material from which the "impeller" part is made based on the conditions of operation and the purpose of the part is selected and substantiated. Spread 316L belongs to a class of corrosion-resistant cryogenic steels and is used mainly as a material of parts working in the temperature range from −100 °C to + 350 °C and in conditions of significant stresses. Based on the type of production, size and configuration of the parts, the most rational method for obtaining it, namely the method of selective laser sintering, was proposed. The technological process of manufacturing a part of the type "impeller" is developed: the receipt of the billet by the method of selective laser sintering, heat treatment, and quality control of the finished product. The thermal treatment mode is proposed after the product is printed. Originality. The regularities of anisotropy of mechanical properties depending on the direction of manufacturing the part by the method of the additive technology are established. Practical value. The obtained results were used at the machine-building enterprise to increase the mechanical and operational properties of the alloy for the gas turbine engine.

Author Biographies

A. V. Kalinin, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of materials science and materials processing, Ph. D., Ass. Prof.

A. V. Kashenkova, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Department of Production Technology, Master, engineer


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