The ranking of the quality criteria of the metal
ranging, quality criteria, determining parameter, self-similarity, structure, fractal approachAbstract
Formulation of the problem. Basically, the ranking of the quality criteria of materials is carried out according to their official purpose. However, this does not take into account the area of their stability, which may not always coincide with the determining parameter according to the requirements put forward. The ranking of criteria according to their importance should ensure the stable operation of the technology within the limits specified by regulatory documents. Results and discussion. It is proposed to solve the ranking problem with the help of the fractal approach: depending on the size of the self-similarity domain of the determining parameter, the criteria can be ranked. At the same time, the region of self-similarity was determined by the stability of the determining parameter in the minimum limits of change. By comparing the relative values of the self-similarity domains of the determining parameters of the criteria, the criterion was chosen whose self-similarity domain of the determining parameter is relatively larger than that of the other criteria. The coefficients of self-similarity for the mechanical properties of the SPHN cast iron rolls are determined. It was established that the coefficient of self-similarity for КsВ is equal to 0,42, Кsзгин = 0,54, ККС = 0,68 and КHSD = 0,43. This fact testifies to a more stable character of the functioning of the production technology of cast iron rolls when choosing a preference for one of the considered quality criteria. Conclusions. The proposed method allows, depending on the size of the self-similarity region of the determining parameter, to assess the degree of significance of the quality criteria for cast iron rolls.References
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