Influence of non-metallic inclusions and products of corrosion on the wear of railway wheels tread
railway wheel, wheel steel, wear, non-metallic inclusions, corrosionAbstract
Formulation of the problem. It is of interest to investigate the effect of nonmetallic inclusions and corrosion products of wheel steel on the formation of wear particles on the tread of railway wheels. It is also necessary to identify the specifics of the interaction of wheel steel with the surrounding atmosphere during the operation of railway wheels. The purpose of the article is to study the mechanisms of formation of wear particles on the surface of rolling of railway wheels during operation. Methodology. The effect of inclusions and corrosion products on the mechanism of wear of railway wheels made of R7 steel, which worked for about 5 years under the passenger train, was studied. The wheels were removed from service due to the extreme wear of the rims. We studied the macrostructure and microstructure of wheel steel along the width of the rims. The research was carried out by several methods: metallographic ("Neophot−21"), electron microscopy (JSM−35). Findings. The features of the formation of wear particles near nonmetallic inclusions and corrosion products related to structural changes near the rolling surface of railway wheels as well as to the interaction of steel with the surrounding atmosphere during operation were investigated. The influence of various factors on the role of nonmetallic inclusions and corrosion products in the formation of wear particles is shown, which makes it possible to predict the nature of wear of the rolling surface of railway wheels under various operating conditions. Originality. The main sources and the mutual influence of various factors on the formation of wear particles near nonmetallic inclusions and corrosion products have been established, which makes it possible to predict the nature of wear of the rolling surface of railway wheels under various operating conditions. Practical value. The use of the obtained results will allow to develop methods and regimes of smelting of wheel steel, allowing to influence the size, composition, structure and distribution of non-metallic inclusions, as well as to develop anticorrosion measures in order to improve the reliability and durability of railway wheels.
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