Simulation modeling of multi-parameter technologies
Random number generator, complex system, mathematical model, random search, hypersphere, goal functionAbstract
Formulation of the problem. When modeling multiparametric technologies, a large and sometimes unpredictable influence on the goal function is exerted by factors that we often attribute to random ones. The calculation of "randomness" in the created mathematical models, as a rule, is given by a set of random factors, taking into account their finite-dimensional distribution. This approach to the calculation of randomness is difficult to implement. Many authors have conducted numerous studies, which showed that randomness modeling can be performed by connecting to the process of identifying a random number generator.
Results and discussion. The paper shows that the random number generator is often realized by Nature, and thus Nature includes the influence on the identified process of random factors. In order to show the regularities of the appearance of random factors, their geometrical interpretation is given. The mechanism of the generator, realized in the modeling of multiparameter technology, is considered. The article notes that each multi-parametric technology inherent in the natural incompleteness of formal axiomatics. Conclusions. The real example shows how, on a reduced time scale, the application of the identification method leads to an increase in the probability of identifying rational controls by multiparameter technology.
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