Effect of the laser exposure to the formation of crackles near to inclusions in the deformation at the interval of temperatures 25...900 °C





steel, non-metallic inclusions, laser action, cracks, deformation


Purpose of the research. The aim of the work is to identify the effect of laser irradiation on the mechanism and parameters of the formation of microcracks along the inclusion – matrix steel boundaries at different strain rates in the temperature range 25...900 °C. Methodology. Materials for research were industrial steels containing various non-metallic inclusions. Samples of various steels with a pre-polished surface were subjected to laser irradiation at the GOS-30M and KVANT-16 installations, and deformations at the IMASH installation. Results. The influence of the temperature-rate deformation mode at different strain rates in the temperature range 25...900 °C, as well as the laser pulse energy and the duration of the impact on the parameters of nucleation and development of brittle bundles has been established. It is shown that in the temperature range 25...900 °C with different strain rates the higher the temperature of deformation, the greater the magnitude of the critical degree of deformation for all types of inclusions and microdamages. Scientific novelty. The influence of the deformation rate on the value of the critical degree of deformation in the temperature interval of 25...900 °C, upon reaching which micro-destructions occur near the inclusions after preliminary laser treatment, was established. Practical significance. The using of receiving results will allow to elaborate the regimes of laser treatment allowing to use the non-metallic inclusions as inner sources of micro-alloying that will allow to directly influence on the level of crack resistance of steels.

Author Biographies

S. I. Gubenko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Material Science Department, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

I. O. Nikulchenko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Material Science Department, Postgraduate Student


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