Structure and physical-mechanical properties of Ni−Co electrolytic alloys
nickel-cobalt coatings, electrodeposition, surface morphology, reflectivity, microhardnessAbstract
Purpose. Development of alternative coatings, which may be similar in properties to chromium, and the technology for their production and electrolytes are environmentally friendly. Investigation of the physico-mechanical properties and surface morphology of nickel-cobalt coatings deposited from low or non-toxic electrolytes. The choice of modes in which the hardest and shiny coatings are obtained. Methodology. A radiographic determination of the phase composition of nickel-cobalt electrolytic precipitates was carried out. The surface morphology, reflectivity and microhardness of the coatings were investigated. Results. The possibility of obtaining nickel-cobalt coatings deposited from low-or non-toxic electrolytes, to replace chromium. The modes and optimal conditions for obtaining coatings with Ni−Co alloy depending on the purpose are established. It is shown that nickel-cobalt coatings can be used as protective and decorative, as well as solid layers when restoring worn details. Scientific novelty. The influence of the deposition regime on the formation of the physico-mechanical properties and morphology of the surface of electrolytic coatings with Ni−Co alloy is discussed. Practical significance. The research results allow obtaining electrolytic nickel-cobalt coatings with high reflectivity and hardness instead of chromic ones.
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