Nanomodification of structure of non-ferrous metals in mode of superdeep penetration


  • O. S. Baskevych Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,, Ukraine
  • V. V. Sobolev National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic", Ukraine
  • S. M. Usherenko Belarussian National Technical University, Belarus



super-deep penetration, structure, non-ferrous metals, microparticless, strength


Abstract. Purpose. To establish a mechanism of ultra-deep penetration of substances and to establish the relationship between the parameters of microparticles of micronic smeasures and the deep penetration into reinforced fibers. Basic factors that determine a competitiveness between the producers of construction materials is a row of such indexes, as creation of new effective technologies of production and materials with the new complex of physical and chemical and mechanical properties, cost of energy cutting on the production of new materials and other. One of economically expedient and competitive directions there is development of new technology of creation of composition materials that can be realized in the conditions of high-energy and dynamic influence on matrix material. An effective physical “instrument” that changes physical parameters in the volume of solid is a process of super-deep penetration of microparticless in metals. Methodology. The copper,  brass, aluminium alloy AK12 were used as samples for matrix material research and subjected it to dynamic processing in ultra-deep penetration mode. The schlifs before and after treatment were examined using electron microscopy, microanalysis, X-ray and phase analysis, mass spectrometry and other physical methods. Findings. In alloys of multi-colored non-ferrous metals in ultra-deep penetration mode, the voluminous doping of parts has been implemented both through the use of microparticles of different compositions and by synthesized new chemical elements and their isotopes. The use of ultra-deep penetration allowed the creation of highly-experienced alloys of non-ferrous metals with a concentration of doping elements from 0,35 mas. % to 26 mas. %. Originality. It has been established that during the bombardment of non-ferrous metals microparticles of different compositions there is a microsecond reduction in the strength of the metal target and local nuclear reactions in the microparticle area. Practical value. The understanding the mechanisms of ultra-deep penetration of microparticles and reactions of their interaction will allow to create new structural materials with unique properties for the industry. First set that under time micro and nanosecond co-operating of microparticless with metallic targets there are a saltatory decline of viscidity and local nuclear reactions and it will allow at further development of mechanisms of super-deep penetration will allow to create new construction materials and new energy sources.

Author Biographies

O. S. Baskevych, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,

Scientifical-research laboratory of chemistry and technology of powdered materials, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Senior Research

V. V. Sobolev, National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"

Department of building, geotechnics and geomechanics, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

S. M. Usherenko, Belarussian National Technical University

Department of powder metallurgy, welding and technology of materials, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.


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