Development of parameters of complex process technology of basic rigid elements for bullet-proof vests




steel bullet-proof armoured sheets, mechanical properties, heat treatment and chemical heat treatment, nitriding in plasma of vacuum and arc discharge, individual bullet-proof vest, basic rigid element


Abstract. Purpose – to develop parameters of the finishing complex strengthening processing  of steel sheet cards  for the main parts of individual bullet-proof vests (protective parts – a front and a back of a bullet-proof vest) of type B. This technology is capable to provide to metal the planned level of mechanical properties at the level of V–VI class of protection (DSTU XXXI : 201) also it can be realized on the existing inventory (furnace, hardening, installations for nitriding in plasma of a vacuum electric arc discharge, etc.) within their design-process parameters. Methodology – analytical and experimental methods. Results of work are the recommendations about parameters of the finishing complex strengthening technology of processing of steel sheet cards for the main parts of individual bullet-proof vests and the recommendation about design-process parameters of an equipment for implementation of this technology in the industry that will allow to receive national bullet-proof vests of V–VI class of protection. The scientific novelty of results of research is defined by the parameters of technologies of  heat treatment of steel sheet cards for the main parts of individual bullet-proof vests (for receiving homogeneous or heterogeneous armor) and features of design-process parameters of an equipment for implementation of this technology in the industry. Practical value of results of research consists in possible use of developments for the organization of the specialized enterprise for manufacture of armored sheets for bullet-proof vests of level V–VI class of protection.

Author Biographies

L. M. Deineko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Professor

P. I. Loboda, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Professor

V. O. Stolbovyi, National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Professor


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