Research of corrosive properties of titanium for additive technologies


  • A. A. Skrebtsov Zaporizhia National Technical University, Ukraine
  • R. V. Proskurniak Physics and Mechanics Institute H.V. Karpenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Yu. A. Marchenko Zaporizhia National Technical University, Ukraine
  • V. H. Shevchenko Zaporizhia National Technical University, Ukraine
  • O. S. Omelchenko Zaporizhia National Technical University, Ukraine



additive technologies, titanium, corrosion resistance, 3D surfacing, non-spherical powder of titanium, HDH powder of titanium


Abstract. The difference of foreign alloys prevents wide distribution of additive technologies on chemical composition used in a home production. The work is devoted to research on corrosion resistance of the alloy of VТ1−0 obtained by additive technologies from home powder of titanium. It is shown that the use of non-spherical powders of titanium for additive technologies results in formation of low level of corrosive properties, that requires the realization of additional research in this area. An assessment of the corrosion resistance of the studied samples showed that the corrosion rate of the deposited powder alloy VT1−0 exceeds the corrosion rate of the alloy VT20 obtained by the traditional manufacturing technology (pressure treatment method) by 2.7 times. At the same time, the corrosion rate of the transition zone is somewhat lower than that of the powder deposited titanium VT1−0, but higher than that of the deformed VT20 alloy and is 0.394 g / (m2 × year). The probable reason for the occurrence of  significant difference in the rates of corrosion destruction of VT1-0 and VT20 alloys may be the presence of a significant amount of internal defects in the deposited powder material VT1−0. In this regard, it should be assumed that in order to increase the corrosion resistance of additive electron-beam surfacing performed by using VT1−0 grade titanium powder, the primary task is to minimize the probability of formation of internal defects in the deposited layers. As a rule, improvement of the quality of electron-beam surfacing is achieved by selecting and optimizing technological modes (beam current, travel rate of beam gun, thickness of the applied powder layer, etc.).

Author Biographies

A. A. Skrebtsov, Zaporizhia National Technical University

Department "Mechanics", SRC "Tytan Zaporizhia", Ph. D., Ass. Prof.

R. V. Proskurniak, Physics and Mechanics Institute H.V. Karpenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Ph. D., Researcher

Yu. A. Marchenko, Zaporizhia National Technical University

Department of Equipment and Welding Technology, Postgraduate Student

V. H. Shevchenko, Zaporizhia National Technical University

Department "Mechanics", SRC "Tytan Zaporizhia",

Ph. D., Ass. Prof.

O. S. Omelchenko, Zaporizhia National Technical University

Department "Mechanics", SRC "Tytan Zaporizhia",

Senior Lecturer


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