Multifractal hardness analysis of rollerrolls
multifractal, structure, dimensional spectrum, cast iron rolls, hardnessAbstract
Abstract. Formulation of the problem. In connection with the technology of production and operation to evaluate the mechanical properties of massive cast iron castings is not always possible with the use of field examinations. Therefore, the forecast of properties, in particular, rolling mill casting rolls, is carried out by means of simulation by analyzing the influence of the parameters of the technology. The parameters of the technologythat influence the formation of the structure of cast-iron rolls include the chemical composition, the cooling rate, and the like. Since the structure of materials greatly affects their properties, but it is not always possible to quantitatively parameterize its elements using classical methods, in the work it is proposed to evaluate the quality of rolls on the basis of a multifractal analysis of the structure. Materials and methods of research.As a material for research, rollerbearings ЛПХ17НМдц-63, whose structure and properties were evaluated using the theory of multifractals, Shore hardness meter, metallographic analysis, mathematical modeling, were selected. It is noted that increasing the chromium content to 17 % in the white zone affects the formation of stable carbides and leads to an increase in hardness from 47 to 76 units of Shore compared with the gray zone. Results and discussion.The influence of the elements of the white zone structure of the roll barrel (from 0 to 50 mm from the surface). The relations between the most sensitive indicators in the spectrum of dimensions of the elements of the structure of the white zone are established: D0 and D+100 by the dimensions of austenite; D0 and D-100 dimensions of chromium carbides and roller hardness indexes. The models for predicting the hardness of the working area of the rolls of ЛПХ17НМдц−63 rolls from the dimensions of austenite (correlation coefficients R2 = 0,71 and R2 = 0,85) and chromium carbides (R2 = 0,95 and R2 = 0,89). Conclusions. The results of the study indicate the expediency of applying a multifractal model of structure to the prediction of hardness parameters of the working area of roll barrels ЛПХ17НМдц−63.
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