Selection of optimal method prepared steel powder ПР–Х17H2


  • I. G. Roslik Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, National Metallurgical academy of Ukraine, 49600, Gagarina ave., Dnіpro, Ukraine
  • A. N. Kovzik Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, National Metallurgical academy of Ukraine, 49600, Gagarina ave., Dnіpro, Ukraine



nitrogen atomized stainless powder, cold pressing, warm pressing, compressibility


Abstract.  Purpose. To  determine  of  optimizing  forming  method  for nitrogen atomized  steel  powder ПР–Х17Н2  in  order  to increase the green compact density. Methodology. Steel powder ПР–Х17Н2 compressibility according to GOST 25280–82 during cold pressing and warm pressing has been investigated. Steel powder fractions less than 50 μm, 160 μm and 200 μm were tested. Zn stearate, lard, refining industrial oil, hard wax in an amount 0.8 % or 1.2 % were added to steel powder as lubricant. During warm pressing powder with tool set were heated up to 125 °C and were rapidly pressed at a pressure 300…700 MPa. Results. It has been established  experimentally  that  cold pressing  of  nitrogen  atomized  steel  powder  ПР–Х17Н2  does  not  provide  the  required  green compact density. Using of warm pressing substantially increase compressibility of steel powder. Addition of 1.2 % Zn stearate and high  pressure  up  to  700  MPa  has  had  the  most  effect  on  the  powder  compressibility  by  warm  pressure. Scientific  novelty. First established that for nitrogen atomized steel powder ПР–Х17Н2 warm pressure is an optimal with addition 1.2 % Zn stearate and at pressure 700 MPa. Practical significance. The result of research can be used for designing Х17Н2 sintered structural parts.

Author Biographies

I. G. Roslik, Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, National Metallurgical academy of Ukraine, 49600, Gagarina ave., Dnіpro

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

A. N. Kovzik, Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, National Metallurgical academy of Ukraine, 49600, Gagarina ave., Dnіpro

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.


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