Fractal approach to forecasting quality of rolled rolls


  • A. A. Fortygin Department of Materials Scienceand Materials Processing, State Higher Education Institution“PrydnіprovskaState Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-а, Chernyshevskoho St., Dnipro, Ukraine



roller iron, mechanical properties, fractal dimension, structure, regression equation


Abstract. Formulation  of  the  problem. Non-destructive  testing  methods  are  often  used  to  evaluate  mechanical  properties. A promising direction in the field of predicting the characteristics of the quality of a metal is the use of mathematical methods of forecasting,  in  particular,  planning  experiments. Material  and  methods. For  the  research, СПХН–45  roller  iron  was  selected. Mechanical tests were carried out on radial samples of the working area of the roll barrels (distance from the surface to 10 mm). The  fractal  dimension  was  calculated  using  a  technique  based  on  the  convergence  of  cellular  and  point  methods. Results  and discussion. Relationships  describing  the  effects  of the  fractal  dimensions  of  the  pearlite  matrix,  graphite  and  carbides  on  the mechanical  properties of roll  iron  (tensile strength  and bending strength, toughness and hardness) are established.  The regression equations are obtained, which make it possible topredict the mechanical properties of the working area of the СПХН–45 mill rolls, depending on the fractal dimension of the elements of their structure. Conclusions. The influence of the fractal dimension of the structure of rolling rolls on their mechanical properties is determined, which makes it possible to use the obtained models to predict these properties.

Author Biography

A. A. Fortygin, Department of Materials Scienceand Materials Processing, State Higher Education Institution“PrydnіprovskaState Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-а, Chernyshevskoho St., Dnipro

Postgraduate Student


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