Study of the influence of thecomposition and structure of ст3псsteel on hardness


  • М. О. Aksakov Department of Materials Scienceand Materials Processing, State HigherEducation Establishment “Pridniprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-а, Chernyshevskogo str., Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine



hardness, steel, perlite, fractal, matrix of planning, model


Formulation of theproblem. The use of indirect methods of quality control of metal rolling is due to many factors, among which the influence of the chemical composition and technological regimes should be noted. These factors affect the structure and the mechanical characteristics, in particular, low carbon steels. In the work for the prediction of hardness indicators of Ст3псsteel, it is proposed to apply the methodology of planning experiments, taking into account the influence of elements of chemical composition and structure.  To  estimate  the  ferrite-pearlite  structure,  it  is  proposed  to  use  the  fractal  formalism,  the use  of  which  allows  you  to  track changes  in  the  structure  by  determining  the  fractal  dimension  of  its  elements. Materials  and  methods. Using  the  methodology  of planning  experiments,  the  effect  of  the  chemical  composition  and  structure  on  the  mechanical  properties  of  low-carbon Ст3пс lowalloyed  steel  was  investigated. Results. By  implementing  the  experiment  planning  matrix,  a  mathematical  model  was  obtained  for evaluating the hardness of Ст3псsteel, taking into account the influence of elements of chemical composition and the fractal dimension of  perlite.  The  model  is  adequate  according  to  the  criteria  of Cochran's and  Fisher.  Based  on  the  analysis  of  the  coefficients  of  the regression  equation,  a  histogram  of  the  influence  of  the  elements  of  the  chemical  composition  of  the  studied  steel  on  the  hardness indicators was constructed. The growth of the fractal dimension of perlite from 1,785 to 1,946 with an increase in the carbon content from  0,14  to  0,22  %  was  recorded,  which  indicates  the  possibility  of  its  use  in  assessing  the  structure  of  low-carbon  steels. Conclusions. A method for assessing the hardness of St3ps steel has been developed, taking into account the influence of elements of chemical composition and fractal dimension of perlite. The results indicate the prospects forthe application of the theory of fractals in the prediction of the mechanical properties of low-carbon steels.

Author Biography

М. О. Aksakov, Department of Materials Scienceand Materials Processing, State HigherEducation Establishment “Pridniprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-а, Chernyshevskogo str., Dnipro, 49600

Master of Engineering


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