Degradation of the anodic grounding during the protracted exploitation
corrosion, cathode defense, electrochemical descriptions, insulating coverages, anodic groundingAbstract
Department of Chemistry and Labor Protection, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 59-a, pr. Central.,93400, Severodonetsk Department of Theoretical Engineering and Industrial Enterprises, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 59-a, pr. Central, 93400, Severodonetsk Electrochemical defense by cathode polarization together with isolating coverage −for today is most effective from all methods of fight against corrosion. Essence of electrochemical defense consists in deceleration of corrosive processes, mainly electrochemical. Cathode defense −conducted by means of direct-current from outsourcing at that object that is subject todefense joins negative to the pole of the station of cathode defense (in quality to the cathode), and the sacrificial anode of grounding joins in with a positive pole. Setting of cathode defense is building which is used for cathode polarization of pipeline by an external current. By settings of cathode defense (UKZ) which polarizes a pipeline, corrosive processes are taken to the minimum value or quite halted. A surface of pipeline is in defense and does not collapse in an aggressive environment during great while or destructive processes are taken to the minimum values. The structural changes of metal and changes of mechanical descriptions of the steel anodic grounding conditioned to these, stations of cathode defense, made from material of Stal'20 Du159, were investigated in our work.
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