Main trends in development of heat treatment technologies of forged pipe shell for artillery barrels




a gun barrel of artillery system, pressure, mechanical wear, erosion, operational firmness


Work  purpose − to  analyze  conditions  of  operation  of  artillery  system  gun  barrels,  to  define  major  factors  which reduce qualitative characteristics of metal at manufacture from it of an ingot, pipe preparation and gun barrels and also at their use. To define top trendsin the production technology of competitive artillery systems which are characteristic of development of artillery arms  for  the  last  10  years,  including  in  the  conditions  of  Ukraine. Research  techniques :  analytical  fitted  also  the  experimental studies. Results of researchesshowed that carry to major factors which significantly increase operational firmness of gun barrels of artillery systems: threw use of qualitative, threw increase in tensile strength a gun barrel (proportional limit), use of the effective protective coating of a canal surface of a gun barrel which counteract acceleration of an erosion is reduced by a wear and a loss of strength threw gun barrel canal surfaces at increase in energy of powder charges. The scientific noveltyof results of researches is defined by parameters of technologies of a heat treatment (preliminary for the deformed tubing stocks and finishing for ready gun barrels) and design process parameters of a hardening equipment which provides ≥ 140 kgf/mm2 (1 400 MPa) in metal of gunbarrels of level of a proportional limit and also parameters technologists and the equipment for drawing a layer of the protective coating (chromic, tantalic or other) method of a physical deposition from a gas phase of PVD (physical vapor deposition) on a canal surface that allows to receive the rated operational firmness of barrels of artillery systems (to the level of requirements of the countries of NATO). The practical significanceof results of researches consists in industrial approbation of developments and a possibility of their use during creation of industrial capacities for manufacture of competitive products which are able to provide requirements of army and export of these products on foreign market.

Author Biographies

L. M. Deineko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU), 4, Gagarina ave., 49600, Dnipro

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Professor

V. M. Nadtoka, "Southern" Design Office, 3, Krivoriz’ka str., Dnipro

Cand. Sc.(Tech.),LeadingResearch Worker

P. I. Loboda, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, 37, Pr. Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Professor

D. V. Harbuz, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, 4, Gagarina ave., 49600, Dnipro

Postgraduate Student


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