Research and analysis of technological parameters of preparing granulated alloy alresist on the basis of primary electrothermal silumine




granular piston alloy, wear resistance, processing of melt by electric current, diesel engine


The work purpose –to investigate influence of parameters of the production technology of new granulouse alloy an alrezist on technological indicators of process of a granulation. Alloy an alrezist is the high-silicon alloyed alloy Al−Si, possesses high rates of wear resistance and a low linear expansion coefficient. On these indexes alloy doesn't concede to the high-alloyed gray cast irons, having at the same time high specific strength. Research techniques: semi-industrial pilot studies of process parameters of production of granules, metallographic analysis, radiographic analysis and analytic treatment. Results of work –processing is carried out by electric current of a melt with a density of 3.5…4.5 A/m2. Data on influence of current on a microstructure of granules, lattice constants of aluminum and on fractional composition of granulouse alloy are obtained. The scientific noveltyis bound to a research of  the  new  alloy received  in  the  conditions  of  speeds  of  a  crystallization  of  103…105 grad/s.  The  practical  value  of  results of researches consists in possible use of developments for production the seamless of pistons heavy-duty the diesel engines.

Author Biographies

N. S. Romanova, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, 4, Gagarina ave., 49600, Dnipro

Ph.D., Ass. Prof.

H. V. Kokashynskaia, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, 4, Gagarina ave., 49600, Dnipro

Sen. Lecture

T. V. Kymstach, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, 4, Gagarina ave., 49600, Dnipro

Senior Lecture


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