Model estimation of mechanical properties of medium carbon steel
structure, mechanical properties, perlite, fractal dimension, heat treatmentAbstract
Introduction. A promising direction in the evaluation of the structure of materials is the use of fractal formalism. Its use makes it possible to predict some properties of materials on the basis of studying the effects on them of various processing modes, which leads to a change in the fractal dimension of the elements of thestructure. In particular, the sensitivity of mechanical properties to the fractal dimension of the structure was found for low carbon steels and cast iron rolls. It was proposed to conduct a passive experiment, the purpose of which is to establish the correspondence between the mechanical properties of medium-carbon steel and the fractal dimension of the elements of its structure. Passive experiment.In the course of the experiment, a correspondence was established between the fractal dimension of perlite steel 115 and its hardness values HB, and yield strength Т. Indicators of hardness and strength of the investigated steel increase with increasing fractal dimension of perlite from 1,680 to 1,917. Such an approach can be used in predicting the strength indicators of medium carbon steels based on the analysis of the fractal dimension of perlite. The fractal dimension of the structure was determined using a technique that combines cellular and point methods, which increased the accuracy of its calculation. Conclusions. A fractal model for estimating the yield strength and hardness of steel 115 was obtained on the basis of an analysis of the structure of perlite after various heat treatment conditions. The results indicate the sensitivity of the mechanical properties with a change in the fractal dimension of the elements of the structure due to the action of heat treatment.
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