Effective method of tin-free foundry bronzerefining from endogenous origin impurities
copper alloys, centrifugal casting, casting bronze, structural formation, phase composition, doping, X-ray spectral microscopy analysisAbstract
Problem statement. Ukraine in the ranking of leading suppliers of castings from copper alloys is among the top ten. In recent years there has been a rapid rise intheir production. This is due to expansion of demand for copper alloys not only in electrical engineering, but also in other areas of industry, in particular in automotive manufacturing of electric cars production. Purpose. Copper-aluminum-iron system alloys structure formation regularities analysis depending on amount of alloying components changing for technological recommendations development of a stable high level of mechanical properties of foundry bronzes obtaining in industrial production and operation. Material and Methods. Material of the study was casting bronze BrA9Zh3L according to GOST 493 requirements. Microstructure was investigated on metallographic specimens prepared according to standard methods as per ASTM E3-11. Analysis was performed using light microscopy on "Neophot-2" equipment. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray spectral microanalysis were performed on Superprobe−733 equipment. Results. With the help of Cu, Al, Fe components binary and triple systems equilibrium diagrams studies results comparative analysis, X-ray spectral microscopy and local X-ray energy dispersion methods the controversial issue concerning iron-containing phase in BrA9Zh3L bronze structure origin has been solved. It has been found that this is β1phase, i.e. Fe3Al with dissolved copper atoms (up to 7,72 wt. %) and zinc in amount from 0,0 wt. % to 0,68 wt. %, depending on this component content in alloy. Centrifugal casting method effective technological parameters industrial testing have been discovered that itsdisadvantages associated with bundle of casting material liquation can be used in production as advantage for melt included endogenous origin impurities refining, in particular, iron-containing Fe3Al phase. Conclusions. Controversial issue concerning iron-containing phase in bronze BrA9Zh3L structure genesis has been solved. It has been established that this is a phase of endogenous origin β1, that is, Fe3Al. Centrifugal casting method effective technological parameters for the melt included endogenous origin impurities refining have been used in production.
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