Developing an approach to increasing cohesive strength durability for details of a compressor for a gas turbine engine


  • O. B. Zahorodnyi Department of Materials Science and Material Processing, State Higher Education Institution “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-a, Chernyshevskoho St., 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine



cohesive strength, gas turbine engine, extreme experiments, planning matrix, extremum, forecast model,


Abstract. Formulation of the problem. Optimization of plasma-arc spraying technology is complicated by its multi-criteria and multi-parameter nature. The search for ways to increase the performance characteristics of the running-in sealing coating for the compressor parts of a gas turbine engine is due to the fact that these coatings operate at a temperature not exceeding usually 650 0C, which limits the scope of their use. Therefore, the development of an approach to increase the cohesive strength of the running-in coating will increase the life of gas turbine engines. Materials and methods. In this paper, it is proposed to apply the method of planning extreme experiments to increase the cohesive strength of a sealing run-in coating. The application of this method involves conducting active experiments in a certain working area of the process given by the numerical values of the controlled variables  of the thermal spraying process. It is assumed that in this part of the workspace of controlled variables, the indicators of the goal function have suboptimal values. An experiment planning matrix 25 is defined. Results and discussion. The range of values of eleven variables that affect cohesive strength is determined. To test the reproducibility of experiments, four parallel experiments were carried out at each point of the factor space (in each row of the matrix). Based on the analysis of the coefficients of the obtained multi-parameter equation from 11 given variables, the degree of influence of each variable on the target function is determined. This approach made it possible to establish a pair of variables X5 (power) and X7 (nitrogen consumption), which increase the cohesion strength indicators most strongly compared with the variables under consideration. X5 power was determined by current strength indicators of 280 − 400 A and voltage of 40 − 75 V. A model for predicting cohesive strength depending on the selected pair of variables is obtained. Conclusions. An approach is proposed to increase the cohesive strength of the coating for compressor parts of a gas turbine engine using the method of planning extreme experiments. This made it possible to determine for the selected criterion the most significant controlled variables that ensure its extremum in a given work area.

Author Biography

O. B. Zahorodnyi, Department of Materials Science and Material Processing, State Higher Education Institution “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-a, Chernyshevskoho St., 49600, Dnipro



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