Influence of texture on mechanical properties of titanium alloy tubes
titanium alloy, tubes, mechanical properties, texture, inverse poles figures, contractile strain ratio (CSR)Abstract
Purpose is to determine the influence of texture, which is formed during pipe manufacturing, on mechanical properties. To estimate the optimum values of mechanical properties, which provide the coefficient of relative compression (contractile strain CSR), according to the requirements of the standard on the pipe. Methods. Methods for evaluation of mechanical properties in tensile testing are used. Determined the coefficients of relative compression (CSR) according to the requirements of the standard on the pipe. Evaluation of pipe texture by X-ray structure analysis method. Reverse pole shapes were constructed. Results. Determined the mechanical properties and texture of pipes, which are formed during their manufacture. Texture in tubes was estimated by the coefficient of relative compression (CSR), according to the requirements of the standard for tubes, as well as X-ray method with the calculation of Kernes parameters characterizing the amount of radial and tangential texture. The dependence of mechanical properties on the CSR index has been established. Optimal values of mechanical properties are determined: strength and yield strength limits, relative elongation, which provide CSR indices within 1,3...3,5. An increase in the radial component of the texture leads to an increase in CSR values. At high CSR values up to 3...3,5, pipes often do not withstand the technological tests for flattening, bending and distribution. Correction of CSR values is required. It is proved that increase in plasticity of pipes increases CSR values. Scientific novelty. Influence of texture which is estimated by a method of the X-ray structural analysis and definition of factor of relative compression on mechanical properties of pipes at their manufacturing is established. The values of mechanical properties, which provide the required values of quality indicators of the standard for pipes, have been determined Practical relevance. The established regularities of texture and mechanical properties indexes change allowed to adjust parameters of technological process of tubing manufacturing from titanium alloy.References
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