Effect of annealing on the phase composition of the sealing coatings based on APC (aluminophosphate compound)



X-ray analysis of the phase composition, coating obtained by plasma spraying, the effect of annealing on phase composition, gas turbine engine


Raising of problem. Studying by the X-ray method the composition of the sealing coatings based on aluminophosphates and the effect of annealing on its phase composition. Methodology. The X-ray studies of the phase composition of the sealing coatings based on APC (aluminophosphate compounds) and the effect of annealing on its phase composition were carried out. The roentgenograms for structural analysis were obtained on a DRON-4-07 diffractometer  using the filtered copper radiation on the secondary beam. Registration of diffraction patterns and primary processing were carried out  using the complex PDOS software  with display the diffraction patterns on the screen. Using the “loop” option allowed to identify the  weak interferential lines,  which enhanced the accuracy of  high-quality X-ray diffraction method.  Results. It is found that the base coating is  X-ray amorphous phase and  the annealing does not significantly affect on the phase composition of  crystal’s phases. The boundary of the annealing temperature for the coating is defined. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty consists in obtaining the coverage based on APC by plasma spraying method, studying of its composition and usability to increase the efficiency ratio of the compressor the  gas turbine engine. Practical significance. By designing a compressor of gas turbine engine (GTE) it tends to create the smallest possible radial and axial clearances between the rotor and the stator, which prevents the flow of gases from an area of higher pressure to lower pressure.  Gap dimensions significantly affect the features of compressor as a whole, such as compressor efficiency ratio, engine thrust and fuel unit consumption. To ensure the operability of sealing with minimum or even zero clearance the compressor housing should have a special soft and easily burned-in  coating which is applied to it’s  inner surface. Compressor blades in the course of its work, cut the grooves when touching the cover without causing the locking and destruction of the rotor. Therefore, the development of new compounds of sealing coatings which ensure the reliable operation of the GTE compressor are highly relevant.

Author Biographies

V. I. Bol'shakov, State Higher Education Establishment Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Department of Materials Science and Termal Treatment of Materials, Professor

S. I. Veselova, State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

Department of Physics, Ass. of Prof.

A. B. Zagorodniy, State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

Department of Materials Science and Termal Treatment of Materials, assistant


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