


cast iron rolls, chemical composition, mechanical properties, structure, model, forecast


Introduction. The complexity of production technology of massive metal products, which include cast iron rolls, does not allow predicting accurately their mechanical properties in advance. Therefore, most existing models for predicting the mechanical properties of rolling rolls are based on experiment statistics and expert estimates. It is proposed to create a model for forecasting the mechanical properties of rolling mills by evaluating their chemical composition and structure. Materials and methodology. Roller cast iron of the СПХН-49 and СПХН-45 brand was selected as the study material. Metallographic analysis of the rolls structure was carried out in accordance with the State Standard 3443. It was found that the carbide content was in the range of 8… 14 %, plate graphite - 0,5… 1,3 %. The length of inclusions of graphite corresponded to a score of ПГД45…ПГД180. The results of the experiment. Prediction models  of mechanical properties of cast iron rolls СПХН-49 and СПХН-45 depending on their chemical composition and structure were obtained. The maximum error in the prediction of sВ rolls based on the analysis of chemical composition elements is 2,40 %; sизг - 5,85 %; KC – 5,81 % and HSD – 3,19 %. When estimating the mechanical properties of the rolls, based on the analysis of the elements of their structure, the maximum prediction errors were 4,83 % for sВ - 4,83 %; sизг - 4,58 %; KC – 5,74 % and HSD – 2,81 %. The pair correlation coefficients R2 of the obtained models are fixed within 0,55...0,94, which indicates the possibility of using the obtained models as an express method for the rapid determination of the mechanical properties of rolls СПХН-49 and СПХН-45 in the working range of parameters. Histograms of the influence of the studied parameters on the mechanical properties are constructed. Conclusions. As a result of the study of operating range parameters of the chemical composition and structure of the rolls СПХН-49 and СПХН-45, the forecast models of their properties are obtained. The analysis of the literature has allowed the use of expert estimates to rank the selected parameters.

Author Biography

A. S. Bobryk, State Higher Education Institution “Prydniprovskа State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Master of Engineering


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