


steel Ст3, microstructure, fractal, mechanical properties, model


Relevance of the work. The search for the relationship between the structure and properties of materials remains one of the priority tasks of materials science. Since the processes of structure formation take place for most materials in open systems, based on this, many parameters of the technology influence their properties. The elements of the structure may have a complex geometric configuration. For example, in the heat treatment of structural steels various structures are obtained. Proceeding from the decomposition products of austenite, they can be Widmanstett and needle ferrite, martensite, bainite, and others. Modeling Euclidean figures of elements of such structures encounters certain difficulties, which consists in finding an adequate metric for their approximation. This affects the accuracy of the results of evaluating the material properties based on their structure analysis. Therefore, based on recent publications, it is proposed to apply the fractal approach to modeling the properties of structural materials. Materials and methods. In the work the effect of ferrite-bainitic structure on the mechanical properties of Ст3 structural steel (0,16 % C) was studied. This approach was implemented by comparing the results of calculating the fractal dimension of bainite and mechanical properties. The calculation of the fractal dimension of the structure was carried out according to a patented method. Steel samples were heat treated. Results and discussion. Models for predicting the mechanical properties of Ст3 steel are constructed based on the analysis of the fractal dimension of bainite and ferrite. A correlation within R2 = 0,39...0,81 was established between these characteristics. The results of the work indicate the possibility of using the fractal formalism for evaluating bainite and ferrite at the microstructural level (´500). Scientific novelty. The sensitivity of relative elongation and impact strength to fractal dimension of the abrasive ferrite, as well as yield strength, strength limit and elongation relative to the fractal dimension of bainite was recorded. The strength and hardness indices became the most sensitive to grain boundaries. Conclusions. An approach to forecasting the mechanical properties of Ст3 structural steel with a ferritic-bainitic structure by fractal modeling is implemented.

Author Biography

V. M. VOLCHUK, State Higher Education Institution “Prydniprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Assoc. Prof.


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