technological deformability limiting degree, rolling, wedge-shaped samples, cast AlSi7 alloy, hydrogen melt treatmentAbstract
Purpose. The aim of the study is to improve the methodology for determining the limit degree of technological deformability of metals during the rolling of wedge-shaped samples, as well as to determine the patterns of the complex melt treatment influence on the AlSi7 alloy deformability limit degree when rolling wedge-shaped samples. Methodology. The object of the study is an AlSi7 alloy, modified with complex 0,1 % Sr + 0,5 % Sc in cast and Hydrogen melt treated state. The laws of influence of complex melt treatment on the structure and limit deformability of AK7h alloy are investigated. An improved mode is proposed for determining the ultimate degree of metal deformation during the rolling of wedge-shaped samples. An improved technique was used when rolling at a speed of 0,3 m/s at the laboratory mill duo 180. Steel hardened rolls with a roughness R ~ 1 mkm and an ungreased surface were installed. The sizes of the initial samples are h01 = 3 mm, h02 = 11 mm, b0 = 10mm, l0 = 46 mm. The microstructure was studied by standard methods on equipment that passed state verification. Originality. A technique for determining the limiting degree of technological deformation of metals during rolling of wedge-shaped samples has been developed. The developed technique is calculated and does not require marking on the lateral surfaces of samples. Parameters of complex treatment of AlSi7 melt alloy (microalloying with Sr − Sc + hydrogen melt treatment) were at first determined. The structure and phase composition of the cast aluminum alloy which ensured its rolling with the degrees of the total logarithmic (“true”) deformation up to 1,19 were first determined. Practical value. The improved mode of metal deformability limiting degree definition at rolling process of wedge-shaped samples made possible to increase clarity and simplify the experiment. The modification composition and the hydrogen treatment time parameters optimization allows obtaining rolled products from the AlSi7 cast alloy.
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