hot saw, heat treatment, service durability, “scoring” defect, “cut” defect, hardness, quenchingAbstract
Purpose of the study. To determine the improvement potential of service durability of hot saws by heat treatment of saw teeth. To develop the optimal heat treatment modes in order to obtain the higher service durability of hot saws. To implement the optimal heat treatment mode into industrial practice of hot saw treatment. Methodology. Investigation of the structure of hot saws has been carried out using light microscopes Neophot 32 and Axiovert 200M MAT with AxioVision 4.6.3 software. The hardness of hot saw teeth has been assessed by Vickers method. Microhardness has been determined by PMT-3 test equipment. Results. It has been established that the use of blowing of saw tooth in all tested modes leads to a decrease in the total depth of the heat affected zone, primarily due to a decrease in the depth of the transition zone. It is shown that an amperage decrease in all the tested modes reduces the depth of the heat affected zone. It has been experimentally proved that an increase in the contact area between the heater and the tooth significantly (1,5…2 times) increases the depth of the heat affected zone. This is mainly due to an increase in the depth of the transition zone. In this case, the hardness of the quenched zone is slightly reduced. It is proved that most of the regularities previously defined for the structure of cold saw disks are also true for the structure of hot saw disks, despite significantly different operating conditions. Practical significance. It was possible to increase the depth of the hardened layer of hot saw teeth up to 80 % of the height of the cutting element. However, based on the manufacturability of the resizing of the disks during operation, the depth of the hardened zone was limited to 40…50 % of the height of the tooth. The quality of the hot cut has been improved; the number of defects of the "cuts" and "scoring" type has been decreased significantly. The durability of hot saw disks increased by at least 5 %.
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