
  • S. I. Gubenko National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine




steel, laser treatment, air atmosphere, oxidation, non-metallic inclusions


Purpose. It is necessary to study the processes of oxidation of steels during their interaction with the atmosphere at the time of laser treatment. The aim of the work was to study the processes of steel oxidation under laser action. Methods. The materials for investigation were commercial steels containing different non-metallic inclusions. The specimens of different steels with preliminary polished surface were exposed to laser beaming on the installations GOS-30M and GUANTUM-16. Methods of investigation – petrography and optical microscopy (Neophot-21) – were used. Results. It was found that at the time of laser exposure due to the interaction of the steel surface with the air atmosphere, steel oxidizes. At the same time, the role of nonmetallic inclusions in which phase transformations occur is of great importance. The oxidation products have different morphology and chemical composition, depending on the chemical composition of steel, as well as on the wettability in the steel-liquid oxide system. The structural features of oxide films are shown. The interaction of steel with the air atmosphere during laser processing is analyzed. Scientific novelty. The features of the oxidation of the surface of steels in the process of interaction with the air atmosphere under conditions of laser exposure are established. The features of phase transformations in nonmetallic inclusions and local zones of a steel matrix near inclusions are shown. The effect of inclusions on oxidative processes is shown. The features of the morphology and chemical composition of oxide films in different steels are shown. Practical significance. The use of the results obtained will allow us to develop laser processing technologies for steels with regulated surface quality parameters, which will prevent the formation of various kinds of defects. A method for removing oxide films from the surface of products is proposed.

Author Biography

S. I. Gubenko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Material Science Department, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.


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Taran Yu.N., Esaulov V.P. and Gubenko S.I. Povishenie iznosostojkosti zheleznodorozhnih koles s raznim profilem poverhnosti kataniy [Increasing the wear resistance of railway wheels with a different tread profile]. Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost' [Metallurgical and Mining Industry]. 2000, no. 2, pp. 42−44. (in Russian).

Bogdanov A.F., Gubenko S.I., Zhukov D.A. and Ivanov I.A. Poverkhnostnyy sloy i ekspluatatsionnyye svoystva oboda tsel'nokatanogo kolesa [The surface layer and the operational properties of the rim of a seamless-rolled wheel]. Konstrukcionno-tehnologicheskoe obespechenie nadezhnosti koles rel'sovyh `ekipazhej : sb. nauch.tr. [Structural and technological support for the reliability of the wheels of rail crews : coll. scient. works]. Saint-Petersburg : PGUPS Publ., 2009, pp. 15−23. (in Russian).

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Taran Yu.N., Esaulov V.P. and Gubenko S.I. Strukturnie izmeneniya v obodiah zheleznodorozhnih koles s raznim profilem poverhnosti kataniya [Structural changes in the rims of railway wheels with a different tread d profile]. Izvestiya vuzov. Chernaya metallurgiya [Proceedings of Universities. Ferrous Metallurgy]. 1989, no. 9, pp. 101−105. (in Russian).

Gubenko S.I., Ivanov I.A. and Sobolev A.A. Osobennosti iznosa poverkhnosti kataniya tsel'nokatanykh koles [Features of wear of the rolling surface of solid-rolled wheels]. Izvestiya Peterburgskogo universiteta putej soobscheniya [Proceedings of the Saint-Petersburg University of Railway Engineering]. Saint-Petersburg : Publishing House of State University of Railway Transport, 2013, pp. 73−84. (in Russian).

Kushner V.S., Kutko A.A., Vorobyov A.A., Gubenko S.I. and Ivanov I.A. Vliyaniye struktury i mekhanicheskikh kharakteristik kolesnykh staley na iznashivaniye i rezhimy vosstanovleniya profilya kolesnykh par [The influence of the structure and mechanical characteristics of wheel steels on wear and restoration modes of the wheelset profile]. Omsk : OmSTU Publ., 2015, 221 p. (in Russian).

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Belchenko G.I. and Gubenko S.I. Mikroneodnorodnaya deformatsiya stali, soderzhashchey nemetallicheskiye vklyucheniya [Microinhomogeneous deformation of steel containing nonmetallic inclusions]. Izvestiya AN SSSR. Metals [News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Metals]. 1981, no. 4, pp. 94−97. (in Russian).

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Gubenko S. Geterofaznyke mikrokompozitnyye vklyucheniya v stalyakh [Heterophase microcomposite inclusions in steels]. Germany − Mauritius, Beau Bassin, Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2019, 330 p. (in Russian).

Gubenko S.I. Features of wear of railway wheels tread. MTM : Machines, Technologies, Materials. 2019, vol. XIII, iss. 7, pp. 324−327.

Gubenko S.I. Vliyaniye nemetallicheskikh vklyucheniy i produktov korrozii na iznosostoykost' zheleznodorozhnykh koles [Influence of nonmetallic inclusions and corrosion products on wear resistance of railway wheels]. Stal’ [Steel]. 2019, no. 6, pp. 51−55. (in Russian).

Gubenko S.I. Osobennosti iznosa poverkhnosti kataniya zheleznodorozhnykh koles [Features of wear of the rolling surface of railway wheels]. Materіali dlya roboti v ekstremal'nih umovah − 9 : mater. mіzhnar. nauk. konf. [Materials for Robots in Extreme Minds – 9 : mater. Intern. scient. conf.]. (18−19.12. 2019). Kyiv : KPI named after Sikorskyi, 2019, pp. 83−86. (in Russian).

Gubenko S.I. and Bespalko V.N. Mekhanicheskiye svoystva kolesnoy stali v aktivnykh sredakh [Mechanical properties of wheel steel in active media]. Perspectives of world science and education : the 7th Intern. scient. and pract. conf.]. March 25−27, Osaka, Japan : CPN Publishing Group, 2020, 719 p., pp. 265−273. (in Russian).

Gubenko Svetlana. Fizicheskaya priroda plastichnosti i uprochneniya metallov pri deformatsii [Physical nature of plasticity and strengthening of metals upon deformation]. Germany − Mauritius, Beau Bassin, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2020, 341 p. (in Russian).

Gubenko S.I. Prevrashcheniya v nemetallicheskikh vklyucheniyakh [Transformations in nonmetallic inclusions]. Іnnovacіjnі tehnologії v naucі ta osvіtі. Єvropejs'kij dosvіd : ІІІ mіzhnar. konf. [Innovation technologies in science and education. European Dosvid : ІІІ Intern. conf.]. 12−14.11.19. Amsterdam : University of Amsterdam, 2019. (in Russian).

Gubenko S.I., Nikulchenko I.A. Osobennosti obrazovaniya treshchin vblizi nemetallicheskikh vklyucheniy pri raznykh rezhimakh deformatsionnoy i predvaritel'noy lazernoy obrabotok [Features of the formation of cracks near nonmetallic inclusions in different modes of deformation and preliminary laser treatment]. Advances of Science : Proccedings of the Intern. scient. conf. (27.07.2019). Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary − Ukraine, Kyiv Scleneny Mustek, 2019, pp. 28−39.

