The influence of climate factors on the performance indicators of building equipment (on example of an abrasive reinforcement wheels)


  • Yu. D. Abashkevych
  • H. М. Machyshyn
  • О. H. Zhukova
  • A. V. Honcharenko



climatic factors, abrasive reinforced wheels, performance indicators, construction equipment, building, polymer composition, damage


Formulation of the problem.Operation of construction equipment in the open air puts it in conditions of active and, as a rule, very unfavorable influence of climatic factors. Under the influence of sunlight in abrasive wheels, which consist of polymer compositions, can undergo reactions of destruction and structuring of macromolecules. The breakdown of polymer bonds leads to a decrease in molecular weight and deterioration of the mechanical properties of the material. Very often the destruction and structuring take place simultaneously and at one stage are mutually compensated, due to which there is a visibility of the stability of the polymer. Based on the study, it was found that the main factors influencing the performance of abrasive reinforced wheels are ambient temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and shelf life at installation sites. As a result of the unfavorable composition of climatic factors, the properties of structural and operational materials deteriorate sharply. A change in the properties that are used, and the direct action of some atmospheric phenomena, leads to a decrease in the reliability of equipment and the efficiency of their use. The purpose of the article is to assess the influence of environmental factors on the change in the properties of reinforced abrasive wheels and methods to reduce the negative impact. Conclusions. The article analyzes the consequences of climate change, the influence of climatic conditions on the reliability, properties and design features of the performance indicators of reinforced abrasive wheels. It has been established that the main factors affecting the performance of reinforced abrasive wheels are ambient temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and shelf life.


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