Analysis of the influence of deformation working of a continuous billet on macro- and microstructure of structural steel (review)
continuous billet, dendritic structure, axial porosity, hot plastic deformation, structural steel, extraction ratioAbstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze the results of existing studies of the effect of hot deformation on quality indicators and methods for assessing the deformation processing of the macro- and microstructure of metal products made of structural steels. Analysis of existing publications on the subject − matters of research of influence of deformation modes in the elaboration of the structure of the finished product takes a lot of teams of scientists, such as A.P. Chekmarev, I.Yu. Tarnowskyi, N.Yu. Dzugutov, V.A. Tyurin and their followers. Now, a large number of works have been published, which provide the results of studies of the effect of the degree of deformation on the structure and mechanical properties of rolled products from a continuously cast billet. Results. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that modern technologies for the production of continuously cast billets and hot rolling make it possible to ensure compliance with the surface quality, macro- and microstructure, mechanical properties of rolled products at a certain coefficient of total stretch. The minimum coefficient of drawing required to minimize the macrostructure defects and mechanical properties of stabilization, increases with increasing carbon content and alloying elements in the steel. Scientific novelty. This definition of deformation processing from the standpoint of materials science, as fragmentation of the dendritic structure of cast metal in the process of deformation of the initial ingot. The design of the steel structure during hot deformation is influenced by the size of the initial continuously cast billet due to its macrostructure and the stress-strain state pattern: the larger the BLZ section, the more uneven the cast structure and unfavorable stress-strain state in the central zone of the billet. Practical significance. The developed methodological foundations for a quantitative assessment of the direct effect of deformation effect on the microstructure of structural steels using the structural development coefficient K. This allows for a quantitative assessment of the intensity and localization of deformation in the volume of the workpiece and makes it possible to analyze the technological processes of metal forming with a deliberately high degree of non-uniformity of deformation.References
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