Peculiarities of structure of steel matrix saturation near non-metallic inclusions after laser action
steel, non-metallic inclusions, hardening, laser treatmentAbstract
Problem definition. Laser treatment is one of the promising methods of surface strengthening of various machine and mechanisms parts [7]. Processes of transformation of non-metallic inclusions and their impact on the local strengthening of the steel matrix, largely determine the heterogeneous nature of laser hardening are remained insufficiently [1; 2]. Methods impact on the non-metallic inclusions are one of the most promising areas of steels processing. One of effective way of producing steels with favorable parameters of non-metallic inclusions is to provide the methods of influence on the interphase boundaries inclusion-matrix and their cohesive strength [3; 4; 12; 13]. In the process of laser action between inclusion and steel matrix the fast exchange of atoms through the interface boundary in terms of abnormally high mobility of atoms has place, which does not meet the conditions of the classical diffusion (an abnormal mass transport) [1; 2]. For any impulse action the abnormal acceleration of mass transfer is characterized [2], as well as the uneven distribution of temperature [5; 6; 8−11]. The aim of work is to identify the basic laws of the transformation of interfaces inclusion-matrix boundaries and also the formation of zones of contact interaction with the laser treatment. Methods. Materials for the study were manufactured steel containing various non-metallic inclusions. Samples of various steels with a pre-polished surface was subjected to laser heating installations SES-30M and QUANTUM-16. We used research methods − optical microscopy, electron microscopy, measurement of nanohardness. Results. It was found that the laser action occur melting and crystallization speed switching, local micro-alloying steel matrix, which is accompanied by the formation of near inclusions the gradient and composite zones with different microstructures and distribution of nanohardness. Scientific novelty. The peculiarities of the structure of composite and gradient zones in the steel matrix near the non-metallic inclusions was founded. The influence of nonmetallic inclusions on the strengthening of steel by laser irradiation was shown. Practical significance. Using the results obtained enable to develop methods and laser processing modes allowing to influence the size, composition, structure and distribution of non-metallic inclusions in steels in order to improve the mechanical properties.
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