Features of the ferrite-bainite structure low-alloy low-carbon steel after heat hardening and subsequent tempering





Problem statement. In recent decades, there has been a tendency to increase the mechanical properties of low-carbon, low-alloyed steel plate iron by using controlled rolling or hardening heat treatment of finished steel parts. At the same time, for welded parts, the most suitable is a metal having a ferrite-bainite (or bainite) structure. The work investigated the features of the ferrite-bainite structure of low-carbon and low-alloyed steel 15ХСНД for the production of connecting pipeline parts. Purpose of the article. To establish the laws of formation of a ferritic-bainitic structure in low-carbon low-alloy steels depending on the parameters of heat treatment. Determine the effect of heat treatment parameters on the properties of the connecting parts of pipelines made of these steels. Conclusion. The regularities of the influence of heat treatment parameters on the structure, mechanical properties and topography of fractures of impact samples of 15ХСНД steel with a ferrite-bainitic structure are established.

Keywords: stamped-welded connecting parts of man pipelines; heat treatment; microstructure; bainite;
mechanical properties; fractography

Author Biographies

L.M. Deineko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Department of Heat Treatment of Metals, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

A.Yu. Borysenko, Z.İ. Nekrasov İron & Steel İnstitute of NAS of Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Sen. Res. Ass.

A.О. Taranenko, State Enterprise Ya.Ye. Osada Scientific Research Tube Institute (SE SRTI)

Sen. Res. Ass.

T.O. Zaitseva, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Department of Heat Treatment of Metals, Ass. Prof.

N.S. Romanova, Національна металургійна академія України

Department of Heat Treatment of Metals, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.


