Influence of high pressure torsion on the texture and properties formation of the steel 01AlTi


  • Kutzova V. Z. National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Stetsenko G. V. National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Kotova T. V. National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine


IF-steel, Pole Figures (PF), nanoindentation, Young's modulus, severe plastic deformation (SPD), hydrostatic pressure torsion (HPT)


Abstract. Formulation of the problem. The progress of the global automotive industry confronts developers of automotive steel task of reducing vehicle weight, reduce its production costs, increase security level during operation of the vehicle. The most widely used for this purpose are low alloy steels with conventional hardening mechanisms (grain refinement, precipitation hardening and solid solution hardening), as well as promising IF-steels. However, increasing the strength of metal materials usually leads to a decrease in their plasticity. Achieving high strength and ductility required for the creation of new advanced structural and functional materials, it is one of their basic materials science problems. Presented results of the texture researches of steel 01AlTi after severe plastic deformation (SPD) by torsion under hydrostatic pressure (HPT) at the 25 °C. Conclusion. It is found that after hot rolling with the next deformation by HPT method saved texture with components stored texture {100} and {111}. It is shown that in the process of deformation has been actively developed mechanisms such as a shift along the grain boundaries and crystallographic slip, although its contribution to the formation of the texture is less pronounced. Hardness after HPT 2 times higher, modulus of elasticity hardly changes in comparison with the initial state, and the ductility is retained at a high level.

Author Biographies

Kutzova V. Z., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Department of material science, Doct. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Stetsenko G. V., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Department of material science, postgraduate student

Kotova T. V., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Department of material science, Ph. D., Ass. Prof.



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