Evaluation of railway wheels damage under contact fatigue taking into account local heating roll surface


  • V. V. Kulyk National University “Lvivs'ka Politechnika”, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5999-3551
  • I. M. Andreiko Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. V. Vira Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National University “Lvivs'ka Politechnika”, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5121-7336


wheel steel, strength, cyclic crack resistance, microstructure, shelling, operational reliability, modification by rare earth metals and calcium, minimized of aluminum and titanium content


Problem definition. Developing the competitive production technology of high performance rail wheels without significant cost increase is an up-to-done task for the metallurgy of Ukraine. Chemical This composition of a wheel steel and its production technology should be improved in order to provide optimal combination of its high wear resistance as well as the high resistance against of the formation of operational defects (sliders and caves) on the rolling surface. Purpose of the study. Analyzing changes in damaging the rolling surfaces for various types of rail wheels at the conditions of contact fatigue as well as revealing  the relationship between the damages and the cyclic crack growth resistance of the wheel steels. Methodology. The tests were performed on a specially designed stand. Steel samples modeling the wheel and the rail were used. Spot defects were initiated by contact welding to evaluate the influence of local heating. The strength and cyclic crack growth resistance characteristics were determined by the standard methods. Microstructural surface morphology of the specimens and their rolling surface damages were studied using optical microscope MMP-2P. The images were analyzed using a specially developed program for evaluating the geometric sizes of rolling surface damages on the modeling samples of the wheel steels. Results. The influence of the chemical composition of wheel steels and their modification by rare earth metals and by calcium with simultaneous minimization of aluminum and titanium contents, on structure of the steels and their strength and cyclic crack growth resistance characteristics has been studied. The dependence of damaging the rolling surfaces of the modeling rail wheels on the cyclic crack growth resistance characteristics of these steels was established. Scientific novelty. It is experimentally confirmed, that steels liability to formation of shelling on the wheel rolling surface is related to cyclic fracture toughness of steels. Practical significance. The new approach is proposed for the formation (choice) of high-strength steels for railway wheels. It is based on the diagram of in-service reliability of wheel steels, combining the improved characteristic of wear resistance and resistance to shelling formation in the contact fatigue conditions.

Author Biographies

V. V. Kulyk, National University “Lvivs'ka Politechnika”

Department of Applied Materials Science and Materials Engineering, assistant

I. M. Andreiko, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Department of Microstructural Fracture Mechanics of Materials, Research Fellow

V. V. Vira, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National University “Lvivs'ka Politechnika”

Department of Microstructural Fracture Mechanics of Materials, Department of Bridges and Structural Mechanics, Research Fellow


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