The field determining method of the quality criteria compromise of multicirteria technology
steel, mechanical properties, structure, compromise area forecastAbstract
Formulation of the problem. Today is the actual assessment of the operational quality of the mechanical properties of metal products, such as tubular products. Traditional methods for determining the mechanical properties, not excluding the non-destructive testing methods, the analysis of mathematical models showed that these methods are costly, and the results are sometimes observed at variance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Therefore, it is advisable to determine the mechanical properties, if possible, without the use of field experiments. Object of study. The object of the study served as a pipe steel grade 20, the relevance of which use due to its prevalence in the industry, because it belongs to the class of medium-carbon, and has a ferrite-pearlite structure. Materials and methods of research. Steel 20 quality, ie, it has a reduced content of harmful elements, phosphorus and sulfur without restrictions on weldability. For information about the quality of steel it was used a method of making metallographic polished sections. Results and its discussion. Compromise the mechanical properties of the field, which depends on the chemical composition are shown in the graphs obtained by displaying each function depending on the purpose of each parameter. The variables of the chemical composition of elements were selected and the criteria are selected as the following mechanical properties: tensile strength, yield strength and elongation. Criteria are selected those that most frequently appear at the acceptance and work are the main characteristics of strength properties. In this case, the chemical composition of elements were selected, which allow to achieve the best combination of mechanical properties. The certain subkompromise area for the selected criteria, which define a graph-analytic method is the normalized representation of the variables given in percentages. Selected criteria describe the working area of the mechanical properties of pipes. If a user has a preference for one of the mechanical properties, it is possible to determine the chemical composition of products and forecast interval of existence of its mechanical properties. Conclusions. The experience has shown that, in practice, this approach is useful when predicting the chemical composition of the product and its mechanical properties in a production environment.
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