Features of structure and use include gas metals in power devices


  • V. V. Trofymenko State Higher Educational Institution «Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Ukraine
  • A. V. Trofymenko Dniprovskiy National University named by O. Gonchar, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5312-9658


hydrogen, include gas alloy, cellular structure, absorption, radiation, radiant energy


Problem statement. The problem transformation of radiant energy (for example, solar) in the electric or thermal is connected, first of all, with necessity  application of new materials with high heat conductivity and efficiency of absorption light beams. The absorption  ability of traditional materials can be raised only special a black paint covering. However the black paint considerably reduces heat conductivity and does not give stable characteristics because change a color covering or its destruction. Application of metals and the alloys having cellular structure, allows to increase sharply the specific area of a surface a design and deeper penetration of beams into material volume. The work purpose: finding-out of features absorption and emission of radiant energy include gas metal with cellular structure at orientation a time perpendicularly surface of the sample. Results. It is established that the material with axial-cylindrical porosity intensifies radiation absorption, coming nearer on character process of absorption to absolutely black body. With cancellation of light radiation the porous sample is cooled in 2…3 times faster monolithic since the cellular structure has the big area of the free surface, capable to radiate the energy absorbed earlier. It is shown that environment (the vacuum, hydrogen) make essential impact on absorption ability of anisotropic-porous metals and alloys. Scientific novelty. Are found out abnormal the heat physical properties of include gas materials with cellular structure on samples of structurally-anisotropic porous metals and alloys. Practical importance. The cellular structure and high heat conductivity in a direction orientation of a time can make a gazars competitive at manufacturing absorbers of solar energy both on the Earth, and in space. Possessing the developed surface, gazars very quickly give and accept heat at contact to liquids and gases. Therefore their use in heat exchangers will sharply reduce metal consumption and will raise thermal efficiency of power devices.

Author Biographies

V. V. Trofymenko, State Higher Educational Institution «Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University»

Chair of Materials Technology, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass.  Prof.

A. V. Trofymenko, Dniprovskiy National University named by O. Gonchar

Chair Engine Building, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass.  Prof.


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