The features of structure formation, phase composition, properties and isothermal decomposition kinetics of supercooled austenite in chromium-manganese cast iron
chromium-manganese cast iron, decomposition kinetics of supercooled austenite, bainite, TTT diagram, phase compositionAbstract
Formulation of the problem. The problem of materials quality improvement for wear resistance equipment while reducing the cost of production are still very relevant. Recent studies indicate that promising materials for use in such environment with a high level of properties and low production cost are economically alloyed chromium-manganese cast irons. Study kinetics of transformations in these alloys is a key factor for the future selection of the hardening heat treatment. Presented results of the study decomposition kinetics of supercooled austenite in chromium-manganese cast iron with chemical composition carbon 2,7 %, chromium − 15.9 %, manganese − 10.5 %. Conclusions: temperature intervals of austenite decomposition on pearlite (550…400 °C) and bainite (350…250 °C) areas were discovered. Phase composition of chromium-manganese cast iron after isothermal soaking was determinated. The maximum hardness of cast iron is formed during isothermal soaking in the pearlite area at 500 °C (46,7 HRC) temperature and in the bainite area at 250 °C (49 HRC).
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