Reforming of a management system of big city in the sphere of construction, urban development and architecture
management of construction, management system, sustainable development, zoning, residential constructionAbstract
Raising of problem. Analysis of management systems of big cities in the sphere of construction, urban development and architecture. The analysis of the structure of the management system in the sphere of construction, urban development and architecture on the example of Lviv, Riga and Moscow is submitted. Weaknesses of management system structure at the level of city self-government are identified. Findings. The proposals to reform the management structure in the construction industry of Kyiv are started. Originality. Based on the experience of European countries, post-Soviet countries it is necessary to fundamentally review the governance structure of the urban complex of the town in the direction of organization of complex major department, in whose jurisdiction will focus the issues of territorial planning and regulation of land, development of urban planning documentation, monitoring implementation of urban planning documentation, building control, land use, urban environment design. Conclusion. Recommendations on improvement of the management structure of a big city in the sphere of construction, town planning and architecture (on the example of Kyiv) are submitted.
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