The strength and plasticity determinationof the low carbon steel 08PS after hpt by indentation
indentation, elastic modulus, indentation equation, the maximumAbstract
Raising of problem. The main requirements for sheet steel for exhaust are providing a high degree of deformability in the manufacture of the complex shapes, high quality surface after deformation, which is necessary for the application of a protective coating. In addition, high plasticity of main parts prevents brittle fracture in the case of accidents, which also reduces the weight of the vehicle. The most widely used for these purposes are low alloy steels with conventional hardening mechanisms (grain refinement, precipitation hardening and solid solution hardening). Therefore, carrying out activities aimed at improving the properties of the complex in the first place, ductility and stability of strength properties of low-alloy steels with conventional hardening mechanisms is important. Study results. The strain and stress, which correspond to the beginning of plastic deformation of the material for simple loading schemes, were calculated by using new processing methodology [1] and instrumental automatic indentation for steel 08ps after high torsion pressure (HPT). The influence of deformation scheme on the microstructure and mechanical properties formation was investigated for steel 08ps. Purpose: to determinate the characteristics of strength and ductility for mild steel 08ps after HPT. Conclusion.The structure, grainsize, dislocationdensity, hardness, modulus of elasticity of steel 08ps after rolling and HTP were investigated at present work. It was found that steel 08ps after HPT characterized by increase strength and low ductility.
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