Analysis of steel-smelting in Ukraine on the environment



fan, industry, aeration lanterns, smelting steel, piles


Raising of problem. Steel-melting production has active and destructive influence upon the environment, what is connected with big amount of power recourses, which extraction and using has irreversible consequences, different raw materials metal-ore origin and education big amount different waste products. About 18 % of all industry emissions of dust, 8…10 % of sulfur dioxide emissions, 35…40 % of carbon monoxide emissions, 15 % of nitrogen oxide emissions fall on part of black and color metallurgy plants, 10…15 % of using fresh water by the industry, the emission of waste water. The subject of research − the influence upon the environment the steel-melting type. The aim of article − the analysis of problem of pollution places and territories of Ukraine, the recommendation to find the ways of the decision of the problem. The basic types of steels melting production of Ukraine are considered  in the article,  in particular his types and stages technologies  of that  are evidently  shown on the basic metallurgical  enterprises of Ukraine. Taking into account, that steels melting a production is one of the most widespread unfavorable physical  factors  of environment, that acquire important socially, sanitary, ecologically important value, especially in the consequence  of intensive urbanization. The problem of contamination of  hydrosphere, atmosphere is  considered  in the  consequence of work and development of this industry. Conclusions. Analysis and valuation of influence steel-melting production upon the environment displayed, that metallurgy is one of the main pollution producer. The main causes of pollution- technological processes, which are integral part of the branch, and the plant equipment, which needs development. It is necessary to research this problem for improvement technologies and to provide  the  environmentally friendly industry.

Author Biographies

O. О. Vergun, State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

Department of ecology, Ass. of Prof.

М. V. Pushkarenko, State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

Department  of  applied science of  materials, bachelor

О. R. Olekseenko, State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Department of ecology, bachelor


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