Influence of electrolyte circulation rate properties of disperse electrolytic copper



copper powder, circulation rate, electrodeposition, current density, particle morphology, particle size


Raising of problem. Synthesis of a chemically stable electrolytic copper powder with controlled particle size and shape, the desired structural, physical and functional properties. Methodology. The process of copper electrolytic deposition were dispersed using a soluble copper anode and copper cathode. The electrolyte composition: 130 g/l H2SO4 + 40 g/l CuSO4; form cathode − plate; electrolysis time − 1 hour. Experimental studies were carried out in accordance with the plan of full factorial experiment (FFE) 23, as well as with the use of regression analysis. The average particle size was determined using optical microscopy method, a bulk density of the powder − under ІSO 3923-1; particle morphology − with the use of scanning electron microscopy. Findings. According to the results of experiments obtained polynomial models that adequately describe the relationship established parameters. The most important factors are the circulation speed and temperature of the electrolyte and the current density. The presence of a synergistic effect of the temperature and circulation speed joint influence. When simultaneous increase of these parameters there is a significant coarsening of copper powder particles and increase bulk density. With increasing rate electrolyte circulation average particle size increases. The dependence of the average particle size of the circulation rate is almost linear, and the shape is changed from fine-grained particles with well developed dendrites to macrocrystalline with smoothed branches. Originality. First defined patterns combined influence of electrolysis process technological factors (current density, temperature and circulation speed of the electrolyte, the surface roughness of the cathode and distance between cathodes) on particle morphology and properties of the copper powder. Conclusions. The optimal levels of the main disperse copper electrodeposition technological parameters was indicated to provide the specified characteristics of controlled electrolytic copper powder and the expansion of application areas.

Author Biographies

А. А. Vnukov, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, Cand. Sc. (Techn.)

A. N. Golovachov, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Department of electrometallurgy, Cand. Sc. (Techn.)

А. V. Belaya, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Coatings, composite materials and metal protection department, Cand. Sc. (Tech.)


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