Prediction of the porous ceramic materials strength produced from the waste of engineering and natural minerals
scale, saponite, porous ceramics, strength, steelAbstract
Formulation of the problem. Porous ceramic materials have great lifetime, resistance to household effects, high mechanical strength and ease of use. The strength of the ceramic filters produced by thermal debinding depends essentially on the process of their moulding. It is therefore necessary to examine the impact of quantitative ratios of materials used in the manufacture dependent methods of mixing and pressing, the effect of temperature during these production processes on the strength of ceramic green bodies. Literature review. The article purpose is the research of ceramic green bodies strength received from scale steel 18H2N4MA and natural mineral − saponite − during their moulding. Analysis of publications. The paper analyzes the methods of research of the strength of porous ceramic bodies. The optimal model, which takes into account linearized mechanical properties of materials, is applied. The presentation material. The combined model of Rumpf and Onodu is used for the mathematical modelling. The strength of the ceramic green body are calculated depending thermal debinding. The model Ree and Eyring influence on the strength of the material strain rate and activation energy are calculated. Based on a generalized model, the influence of volume fraction of binder, temperature and strain rate at the strength of the ceramic green body are investigated. Conclusion. Numerical simulation results obtained strength porous ceramic bodies are consistent with those of experimental studies. This model is applicable for ceramic bodies of research of strength during the process of the thermal debinding.
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